Locations & Corresponding County Numbers Used in Earliest to 1953 Montana Death Index

Note: In the Index No. column of the actual indexes, the first letters are the location. The Numbers of the second part are the Item Number.


Code County Code County Code County Code County
Ana Deer Lodge Fltd Flathead Lstn Fergus RL Carbon
BH Big Horn Gal Gallatin Mad Madison Roos Roosevelt
Blgs Yellowstone Gar Garfield MC Custer San Sanders
Boz Gallatin GF Cascade Mc McCone SB Silver Bow
Br Broadwater Gla Glacier Mgr Meagher Sdn Sheridan
Bt Silver Bow Gld Dawson Min Mineral Stw Stillwater
Bvd Beaverhead Gra Granite Msla Missoula Swg Sweet Grass
Car Carter GV Golden Valley Msla C Missoula TI Toole
Cas Cascade Hav Hill Musl Musselshell Tn Teton
Cbn Carbon Hel Lewis & Clark Pet Petroleum Tr Treasure
Cho Choteau HI Hill Phil Phillips Val Valley
Cus Custer JB Judith Basin Pk Park Wish Flathead
Dan Daniels Jef Jefferson Pon Pondera Wh Wheatland
Daw Dawson Kspl Flathead Pow Powell Wx Wibaux
Dil Beaverhead La Lake PR Powder River Yel Yellowstone
DL Deer Lodge LC Lewis & Clark Pra Prairie
DL CY Powell Lib Liberty Rav Ravalli
Fal Fallon Lin Lincoln Rbd Rosebud
Fer Fergus Liv Park Ri Richland


Corresponding County Numbers

County County No. County County No.
Beaverhead 1 Madison 29
Big Horn 2 Meagher 30
Blaine 3 Mineral 31
Broadwater 4 Missoula 32
Carbon 5 Musselshell 33
Carter 6 Park 34
Cascade 7 Petroleum 35
Chouteau 8 Phillips 36
Custer 9 Pondera 37
Daniels 10 Powder River 38
Dawson 11 Powell 39
Deer Lodge 12 Prairie 40
Fallon 13 Ravalli 41
Fergus 14 Richland 42
Flathead 15 Roosevelt 43
Gallatin 16 Rosebud 44
Garfield 17 Sanders 45
Glacier 18 Sheridan 46
Golden Valley 19 Silver Bow 47
Granite 20 Stillwater 48
Hill 21 Sweet Grass 49
Jefferson 22 Teton 50
Judith Basin 23 Toole 51
Lake 24 Treasure 52
Lewis & Clark 25 Valley 53
Liberty 26 Wheatland 54
Lincoln 27 Wibaux 55
McCone 28 Yellowstone 56


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Montana State Genealogical Society
PO Box 5313
Helena MT 59604